Active Homework Assignments
Map 1: In this assignment, I was tasked with creating 2 evacuation routes from a building of my choice from the University of Colorado Denver campus. I picked the North Classroom building. Route 1 is located outside the Tivoli building in the grass. Route 2 is located in front of the Auraria Library in the grass. The map must contain the following: 2 meeting locations, 2 routes at least 500 meters long, differentiating symbology, description, titles, and some images. This map was created using the My Map platform supported by Google Maps.
Discussion 2 Tools for Hazard and Mitigation Planning: In this assignment, we are tasked with creating a presentation about an online tool for examining flood risk and why it is important to the community.
Map 2: In this assignment, I was tasked with creating a story map via ArcGIS Online. The story is about drought in Louisiana. It includes a conversation about demographics, common industries, and how drought affects people in Louisiana. Furthermore, it has a button for a Local Emergency Planning Commission. Lastly, there is a slider map comparing social vulnerability and farming occupations.
Vulnerability Assessment: I was tasked with creating a vulnerability assessment for a small community with a winter hazard in this assignment. I picked my place of work at the Denver Federal Center in building 810. This presentation highlights two scenarios, social/environmental factors and a map. This presentation is hosted on Microsoft PowerPoint.
Community Resiliency and Climate Change: I was tasked with a slider story map to explore the community resistance of Denver, Colorado. This presentation includes a historical look at Denver and a deep dive into census data and other risk factors which include the ASC and RAPT. This presentation is supported by ESRI's Story Map application. This sidecar presentation is easier to view the blue button below.
Mitigation Evaluation: I was tasked with creating a story map detailing a mitigation evaluation for my given location. I picked King County in Washington State due to its high score on the National Risk Assessment Map. This presentation will touch base on risk factors, hazards, assets at risk, mitigation, and some recomendations.